Marcos Lemes

Marcos Lemes
Ph.D., University of Manitoba (2010)

University of Manitoba
Department of Environment and Geography & Department of Chemistry, 470 Parker
Winnipeg, MB , Canada R3T 2N2
Tel.: 204-474-6844


ENVR2550/CHEM2550 Environmental Chemistry
Course Outline (Jan., 2010)

This course examines the chemistry of the environment, emphasizing on the composition of the natural environment and the processes of natural and anthropogenic chemicals in the environment. The purpose is to provide students with the chemical basis for understanding the environment and environmental problems.

Marcos Lemes
Office: 470 Parker Building
Phone: 474-6844

Lecture Section
11:30am-12:45pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays, Term 2
330 Allen Building

Office Hours
14:00 - 15:00 , Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Lab Section
Choose ONE of the following two lab sessions:
B01: 14:30 - 17:30 , Mondays, Term 2, 562 Parker Building
B02: 14:30 - 17:30, Thursdays, Term 2, 562 Parker Building

VanLoon, G.W. and S.J. Duffy. 2005. Environmental Chemistry: A Global Perspective. Second Edition. Oxford University Press, Oxford , UK . (available in the Bookstore)

Additional material will be handed out in class or posted at the course website.

Assignments: 20%
Mid-Term: 20%
Labs: 30%
Final exam: 30%

Final Grade: A total mark of less than 50% in the course will result in a grade of F. Marks between 50% and 100% will be graded from D to A+.

Academic Integrity
It is your responsibility to acquaint yourself with the University Policy on plagiarism, cheating, and examinations. The copying of another student’s assignment or the submission of the same material for two or more courses is plagiarism. Plagiarism and any other form of cheating in examinations, labs, or term tests are subject to serious academic penalty. The full definition of plagiarism and the possible penalties associated with it can be found in the Undergraduate Calendar. If your submitted assignment contains material you have copied from another source (e.g., parts of another person’s assignment, or from a textbook, or from the published literature, or from a website) you must give proper credit to that source.